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1982...2017! 35 anni sono passati dalla nascita della nostra associazione e della nostra orchestra. Abbiamo speso questi anni suonando e divertendoci INSIEME, siamo cresciuti INSIEME... E più che un obiettivo questo per noi è un nuovo inizio!


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Home arrow PLECTRUM CONCERT 2017
Il nostro ultimo CD Print E-mail
Written by Il plettro Web Master   
Monday, 18 February 2008



Thirtyfive years have passed, and ... we're still active (modeslty) on mandolinistic scene!

To sculpt our tremoli in a virtual rock and try to make them indelible ... here is our registration.

You can request a copy by sending an e-mail to  This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it


From the presentation of the CD (text by Simone Alberici - courtesy of the author)


The mandolins and guitars Orchestra "Il Plettro" celebrates its thirty-fifth anniversary from the foundation (1982-2017) with this recording, which proposes an essay of the repertoire offered to the public by the young orchestral formation.

The orchestra was born in Gardone Val Trompia (Brescia) from an association as a response to a clear educational and cultural need of our society. For this purpose, we have rediscovered an Italian tradition proposing the study of typical instruments of the plucked orchestra, mandolin and classical guitar. The music school has allowed many young people, and we hope will allow in future, investing their interest and attitude towards musical activities, not holding for themselves, but offering to the public the emotions music can give.

 The bond between mandolin and our province is tighter than we think; besides the quality of artists and formations that are active in the city and the province, the history of mandolin making has seen us protagonists since the eighteenth century.

 The pieces selected for our audiences range from classical to contemporary music, to highlight how much this kind of chamber orchestra well lends itself to the musical tastes that have followed since the seventeenth century. The orchestra is directed by Maestro Alberto Bugatti.


 Through this recording, in an ideal promenade over time, space and emotions, you will be able to...

 ... Relive the eighteenth-century splendor of the British Royal Court, in the Grand Concerto op. 3 No. 2 in B flat major by Georg Friedrich Händel, where the orchestra plays one of the most important baroque compositions.

 ... (Virtually) meet Johann Ernst Prince of Saxony-Weimar, died only 19 years old in 1715, who found the echo of Italian music in the executions of the blind organist of the Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam. He then met Bach's favor, which transcribed for organ his violin Concerto in C Major, Op.1 No.4, now adapted for plucked orchestra by Mario Antonelli.

 ... Appreciate the musicality of mandolin crossing the Italian borders and marrying rhythms of Hungarian dances in the famous Czardas by Vittorio Monti, the Neapolitan composer born in 1868.

 ... Listen to the "Murmur of the Sea" as imagined at the beginning of the twentieth century by the Northern Italian author Simone Salvetti, and hear the simple and melancholic spirit evoked by this instrument, which Italian migrants carried with them outside the national borders.

 ... Plunge into the world of the "nuevo tango" by Astor Piazzolla, with the tracks Oblivion and Escualo, in the Corrado Celeste adaptation for plucked orchestra.

 ... Enjoy Ennio Morricone's medley of motion picture soundtracks themes "Once Upon A Time in America", "The Mission", "The Legend of the Pianist on the Ocean" - a tribute to one of the most appreciated Italian authors in the world.

 ... Finally, experience the emotions of a natural scene in the Japanese mountainous region that inspired the descriptive track of Hiro Fujikake: the well-known Green Scope piece that invites us to worship the natural beauties.

 Copertina 2018

Last Updated ( Tuesday, 15 May 2018 )
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