- Alberto Bugatti
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1982...2017! 35 anni sono passati dalla nascita della nostra associazione e della nostra orchestra. Abbiamo speso questi anni suonando e divertendoci INSIEME, siamo cresciuti INSIEME... E più che un obiettivo questo per noi è un nuovo inizio!


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Alberto Bugatti Print E-mail
Written by Il plettro Web Master   
Friday, 15 February 2008

Born in 1965, graduate in Musicology at the School of Musical Paleography in Cremona, he got a first-class degree at the Conservatory of Brescia in Pianoforte and harpsichord. Afterwards he improved himself under the guide of Ch. Steimbridge, B. van Asperin and K. Gilbert at the Chigian Academy of Siena, where he obtained the Merit Diploma. In 1993 he won the national competition for the assignation of the chairs of arpsichord at the Conservatory and at the present time he is the chair titleholder at Trieste Conservatory.
Last Updated ( Tuesday, 03 December 2013 )
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